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calendar   September 25, 2024        pin   Westfield, IN

Arista WAN Routing System & Pathfinder Road Show

The modern application architecture has become highly decentralized and distributed. Enterprises now rely on numerous interconnected applications and systems, often hosted across various environments - including SaaS providers, public clouds, and on-premises data centers. These applications support connectivity from a wide range of locations, from critical sites and campuses to remote users. This distributed nature is driving the evolution of wide-area network (WAN) architecture, which must adapt to optimize for this new reality.
In this session, we will introduce the latest Arista WAN Routing product portfolios and CloudVision Pathfinder Service: designed to meet the needs of today’s Modern WAN architecture using open standards-based protocols, Transit Hubs, and enterprise-level hardware platforms.
When:   September 25, 2024
Time:    11:30 AM - 3:00 PM EDT
Where:  Birdies Grill House & Sports Bar 632 IN-32, Westfield, IN 46074
  • Welcome & Lunch 
  • Enterprise WAN Solutions and Market Trends 
  • Arista Enterprise WAN Portfolio and Solutions
  • Customer Deployment Examples 
  • CV Pathfinder Demo/Hands-on

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