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calendar   September 24, 2024 & October 8, 2024        pin   Vaughan, Canada

CI Automation: Automation Fundamentals Workshop

Day 1:  September 24, 2024   I  9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
Day 2:  October 8, 2024  I   9:00 AM - 7:00 PM EDT
Where:  Dave & Buster's 120 Interchange Way, Vaughan, ON L4K 5C3, Canada
Day 1:

CI Automation: Automation Fundamentals Workshop

Join us for a full day hands-on workshop where we will focus on fundamental tools that help provide the foundation of an engineer's automation journey. During this full day hands-on workshop we will cover: 
  • Git 
  • VSCode 
  • Ansible 
  • Jinja/YAML 
  • Dev Containers 
Each attendee will receive their own dedicated virtual lab environment with Git, VSCode and Ansible already installed and ready to use.
Attendees will need: 
Day 2:

CI Automation: Automation Fundamentals Workshop

Join us for a full day hands-on workshop where we will leverage open source tools to build a network CI pipeline for configuration development, deployment, documentation and validation. Enabling us to manage our network environment as code! During this full day hands-on workshop we will cover: 
  • Arista Validated Designs Ansible Collection
  • Network Data Models 
  • Initial Deployment (Day 0 Provisioning) 
  • Ongoing Operations (Day 2 and Beyond)
  • Validation and Troubleshooting 
Each attendee will receive their own dedicated virtual lab environment with Git, VSCode and Ansible already installed and ready to use.
Attendees will need: 

Register below: